Deprecated: Function get_currentuserinfo is deprecated since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Reply To: Slider Header, not showing caption and title

New Front EN Support Forums Fuji Theme Support Slider Header, not showing caption and title Reply To: Slider Header, not showing caption and title


Hi Andrew,

Thank you for your reply, so here is the screenshot of what I mean for the 1st question; (as you can see the slider is oversized, and it covers up the welcome text, the text above collides with the social icons etc… Not a big deal, since probably nobody watches the site this way, but perhaps a bit of a problem on mobile devices since it looks similar on my mobile phone. 2nd, thank you so much will be implemented sometime today to check how it works, but thank you for going to the trouble of making a special repository file for us!

3rd; <— this category has 188 posts, it only shows 5 and when version 2.0 was on the site, it showed the pages at the bottom so that visitors could stroll between older posts but now with the update it disappeared.

Thank you again,
Denis form Society Touhou