Deprecated: الوظيفة get_currentuserinfo أصبحت مهجورة منذُ الإصدار 4.5.0! استخدم الوظيفة الآتية wp_get_current_user() بدلاً عن السابقة. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

Reply To: Footer width doesn't match content and header width

New Front AR Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Footer width doesn't match content and header width Reply To: Footer width doesn't match content and header width

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Hey Jonas,

this issue is a know one, and has been fixed in version 3.1 of the theme (i.e. the latest update). If for some reason you do not want to update the entire theme, you can just upload the “custom-styles.php” theme file from the new archive, available on ThemeForest. Please let me know if this solves the issue!

Andrii / Satori Studio