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Hi Andrew,

I’m not sure we’re on the same page here, what I was talking about is the [custom_gallery] shortcode and inserting it into regular blog posts, but really what I’m looking for is something like this
But with possibly some text before and after the gallery, like the gallery was incorporated into a regular blog post.
I have no idea how to use the [custom_gallery] shortcode anyway though, if there’s a manual somewhere on how to get it to display a gallery I would be grateful.

And the other thing is that I can’t actually seem to be able to create a gallery blog post like the one in your sample content, if I try to look at your gallery post from the admin area, I don’t see any images attached to it at all.
Trying it myself I can’t get a regular gallery blog post to work either, if you look here:
the first post of the page “もんちゃん” is a gallery post, where I’ve attached one image as an “eyecatch” (as it says in jp wordpress) and 2 others as media added to the page which show up if you view the blog post on its own.