Ever wanted to fill that time spent in commute or exercising with something useful and fun? Audible offers just that – 100s thousands of audiobooks and magazines from any conceivable genre, often narrated by well-known actors and even authors themselves.

Users can either purchase any audiobook separately (prices typically range between $20 and $40) or create a subscription for a monthly fee of $14.95 which allows getting one book for free each month, plus a 30% discount on any additional purchases within a given month. The subscription comes with a 1-month free trial period; to get an additional free month, please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the button below to visit the official Audible page where you can apply the discount code. The site will open in a new tab, so you can continue with the current quide:

    Get +1 free month with Audible ›

  2. On the page that opens, enter the following coupon code into the field under “Redeem Your Promotional Code” (it’s hard to miss on the otherwise empty page).

  3. Click the red “Redeem” button and you will be forwarded to the promo page where you will be able to download your first audiobook right away. Voila! You now have a two-month free trial for Audible. Enjoy the best Audible has to offer.

About Audible

Audible is a part of the Amazon group, having been acquired by the e-commerce giant in 2008. It is currently the world’s largest provider of audiobooks, with a library that counts over 180,000 items. Audible has its own production studio, which has become the largest producer of audiobooks on the planet. The subscription-based service offered by Audible allows listening to audio versions of fiction and non-fiction books, as well as radio broadcast recordings, comedy shows, and voice versions of large magazines and newspapers.

One of the most convenient features of Audible is the wide range of compatible devices: you can sync all your audiobooks between a laptop or desktop computer (via web-based streaming, a Windows app or an iTunes app), tablets and smartphones (including all versions of Android, iOS and Windows based devices) – as well as Amazon gadgets – including Kindle, Fire Tablet, and Alexa devices.

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