WPML on the Kabuli starpage

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  • #1211

    hi there

    First congrats once again on the work you did on Kabuki. Great theme, clean and user friendly.
    All is working fine but one thing :
    I made my site multilingual (french and english) and the WPML allows me to put the language selection button either on the sidebar or on the footer, which i have chosen
    Problem is on the landpage of kabuki (a great slider of full size pics) there is no footer or sidebar, just the menu logo, and a copyright band below.
    how could have have a language selection button on the Kabuli homepage ?

    my wild guess would be on the copyright bar but how to do it ?
    or any other solution ?



    Hey Thomas,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    In case you wish to have the language switcher on the background slider page, this page at WPML details the functions and calls to implement it. If you have no experience with php, you can tell me the website’s URL, the exact place where you want the language switch to be, and send the admin login and password to support@satoristudio.net – and I’ll insert it for you.

    It is also worth noting that the background slider is not the only type of page that is possible to have as a front page – in fact, you can set any page of any template as the front page, by going to the “Settings -> Reading” admin menu.

    Andrew | Satori Studio

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