WooCommerce 2.5.0+ compatibility (and a question about Visual Composer)

New Front EN Support Forums Shogun Theme Support WooCommerce 2.5.0+ compatibility (and a question about Visual Composer)

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  • #7066

    Hi there Andrii,

    Hope you are well.

    I’ve just updated WooCommerce to 2.5.1 in a staging environment, and thought I wanted to let you that it detects ../woocommerce/emails/admin-cancelled-order.php to be out of date. Here’s the message I got from the System Status tab:

    “../woocommerce/emails/admin-cancelled-order.php version 2.4.0 is out of date. The core version is 2.5.0”

    Not sure if you’re planning to keep the theme updated, but just thought I wanted to let you know.

    All the best,


    PS. I was wondering if it’s possible to update the Visual Composer plugin myself? I know it’s been a big task for you to do in the past, but maybe, since last time you did it, it would have become easier? Don’t know if it’s still as complicated to match VC with theme specific elements(?). I installed a separate bought version of the Revolution Slider and that works great!


    Hey Jonas,

    the notice you’re getting seems to indicate that the source of the issue is an out-of-date file inside the WooCommerce plugin itself (note that the path indicated is not inside the Shogun theme) – did you update the plugin manually or via the automatic built-in service? First thing I recommend doing is to download the freshest version of the plugin from the official repository and update the entire plugin manually.

    Regarding the Visual Composer update – there are certain parts of the plugin that have been adjusted by the theme, and updating it by simply overwriting all the files might make some of the VC elements look less attractive than they should be. I will update the theme to the latest version of VC shortly; meanwhile, if you want to make update yourself earlier, please do not forget to back up the existing VC plugin folder just in case; if you notice any problems after the update, please let me know, I will be glad to help.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi there Andrii,

    Long time no speak! Hope all is well with you.

    I’ve had it on my to-do list ever since you replied to this ticket, to get back to you and thank you for your help. I’m sorry it’s taken SO long! Just more than 2 years! :-) But here I am – better late than never! So again, thank you for all the great support you provided back then and for answering my question(s).

    All the best,


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