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  • #1994

    There is a text right on the screen:

    No Widgets Here Yet!
    You see this text because you haven’t placed any widgets
    in the sidebar widget area! Please go to your website’s
    admin panel ‘Appearance’ – ‘Widgets’ and place at least
    one widget into the sidebar widget area.

    But its not possible to place widgets? how can I remove this text?

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by rob.keij.

    More info:

    I have made a sidebar with widgets, but its not possible to place it.
    (with other themes its no problem)
    I think I make a small mistake somewhere……


    Hey Rob,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    Could you please clarify in which way it is not possible to place widgets into the sidebar area – do they disappear after refreshing the page? is it not possible to drag them into the needed sidebar? Please also clarify which widget are you trying to use. Thanks!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hey Andrii,

    Pleaes see:


    On this page I can do what I want but I cant remove ore replace the current sidebar.

    This is the text of the sidebar I don’t want….:

    No Widgets Here Yet!
    You see this text because you
    haven’t placed any widgets in
    the sidebar widget area! Please
    go to your website’s admin
    panel ‘Appearance’ – ‘Widgets’
    and place at least one widget
    into the sidebar widget area.

    And yes I have done what this texst is asking me, on other themes I now how it works.


    Hey Rob,

    as I’ve mentioned in your second post, I’ll need admin access to troubleshoot this one as well. Please see the second thread, thanks!

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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