Using Masonry Grid (portfolio) as blog

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    Hi and thanks for a lovely design! I’m using your template for a very simple blog for individual family members (some of whom are ‘getting on a bit lol)to post photos etc. Essentially there is only one category: ‘family’ to which all the individual members belong (as sub-cats). Is it possible, with some tweaking, to output these individual categories to the portfolio template as a masonry grid? Hope this makes sense ;-)



    Hey David,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    Let me clarify if I got your question right: you’d like to create several categories and display links to category archives on the portfolio grid. If that is indeed the case, you can use the “link” project type to achieve this. This format supports thumbnails, so you can add images to the boxes; each can link to a specific category page (in the case of theme demo, e.g. You can read more about the “link” project format on page 9 of the theme manual. Please let me know if this is going in the right direction!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Thank you my dear support friend! forgive me, I’m a wordpress virgin ;-) well, I simply wanted each family member (which are categories within themselves) placed on the portfolio grid – I worked round this by adding an htaccess file to re-direct (upon clicking) to the members respective category (blog)..may this may be a crap workround lol. anyway you can see what I’m trying to achive here:

    Also you can see my problem with my other post (concerning the dropdown menu)

    Best wishes and thanks for the swift reply



    Hey David,

    a .htaccess redirect is a possible solution, yet it is relatively inflexible since you’d have to modify the root file every time you add a new redirect. A simpler back-end solution would be to use the “link” project format, as I mentioned above; let me explain: in Ikebana, there are several possible formats any post or a project can have: “standard”, “image”, “video”, “quote”, “link”, etc. Each of them is pre-styled and optimized for a specific type of content, as follows from their names (you can read more about the post formats in WordPress on their official website here). You can set the format for the particular project from the “Format” settings box while in the editor mode for that project. Now, if a portfolio project has a “link” format, it becomes simply a link to another URL, which I suppose is exactly what you need; “link” format projects can also have thumbnails, so all you need to do is to change the format on existing projects from “standard” to “link” and instead of the content input the URL of the category (e.g. You can read more about the post formats on pages 8-9 of the theme manual.

    Regarding the dropdown menu issue you’ve mentioned: could you please clarify?

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Ah, disregard my last question, you were talking about the second topic in this forum :)

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Thank you very much Andrii..that’s a much simpler solution and very clear!

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