updating to 1.2

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  • #923
    peter friedl

    i’ve installed sensei 1.1. will I loose the complete configuration – over 650 images, 26 albums, menus …, when I update to 1.2.
    do you know a save way?



    Dear Peter,

    the beauty of WordPress is that content, settings, and templates are completely separated – text, images, etc added by you are stored in separate folders, the settings are stored in SQL databases, while the template files are stored in their own directories. Updating a theme implies rewriting its template files, and is thus similar in effect with switching to another theme. In both cases, all content and settings remain intact; the only things that may get lost are any changes you’ve made to the template files (the files situated inside the /wp-content/themes/Sensei/ directory).

    Andrew | Satori

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