Theme Responsiveness

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  • #1016


    I am experiencing the same issue regarding twitter feed, and did a little digging.

    I’ve discovered that the issue is not with the theme, but with how Twitter deals with it’e request.
    Twitter has a limit of 150 request per hour for an IP address. Since I am on a shared hosting service using the same IP with other people, that 150 limit gets used up pretty quickly. I assume the OP is also on a shared hosting server.

    more info can be found on the following URL



    Thank you very much for the information, Chris!

    I will try to implement caching into the plugin to limit the number of API calls, yet I guess that in case other users on the same hosting server do not make any changes to their applications, the uptime of the widget may still remain compromised. Will keep looking for the solution to this one.

    P.S. this is probably also the reason why the Twitter widget works fine on my demo website – I’m using a small local hosting provider.

    Andrew | Satori Studio

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