Theme Responsiveness

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  • #610

    Hey Andrew,

    I would, but… it seems now that my wordpress site is not working anymore. :s no idea what happened. Every time I try to access the wp-admin, I get a http 500 error (Internal Server Error). :( I know this really isnt your responsiblity but do you have any advice on how to get my wp-admin dashboard to start working again? It would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, Im gonna have to re-install wordpress and do this whole kabuki process all over again, which is just a complete waste of my time. If not I guess ill just have to bite the bullet and redo everything. :s

    – Mike


    http 500 error.

    any suggestions?


    also the slideshow control arrows with the image captions seem to have gone missing. Im not sure what happened there, i never took them down. :s

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by mswalehe.

    Dear Mike,

    please try removing the Jetpack plugin files via FTP (they are located in /wp-content/plugins/ folder). Or you can send me your FTP admin login/password to and I can fix it for you (as well as check the mobile version and other issues).

    Andrew | Satori


    Dear Andrew,

    You good sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. :)

    I removed the jetpack plugin via FTP and my /wp-admin started working again.

    I installed the new lessframework.css, and the slideshow controls now appear at the top of the screen, both via Safari and Google Chrome on iPhone 4S iOS 6.

    Thank you for you help its much appreciated.

    Only gripes now is that the iPhone menu bar is till the ugly grey. Instead of the customized colors like on the android. If you could find a fix for that for iPhone that would be amazing, but if not I guess I could live with the grey menus. Its not really a big deal.

    Regarding the twitter widget it still intermittently chooses when it wants to work or not work like it has a mind of its own. You suggested using the Jetpack Plugin twitter feed widget, but now that I have unistalled Jetpack via FTP, do you reccommend reinstalling it and using the twitter widget? finding another twitter feed widget? until you find a fix for that nasty lil bugger.

    Again, thanks for your help and advice.

    Looking forward to your response.



    • This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by mswalehe.

    It seems now that the widget, doesnt show any tweets at all. Not sure what happened there, maybe its the new framework, im not sure. In any case ill try to look for some twitter feed substitutes for now.


    Hello again,

    Also a suggestion ive noticed. When switching from vertical orientation, to landscape orientation on a iPhone. The slideshow arrow controls seem to removie itself from the top of the page and reverts back to the old lets go on top of the menu thing again. Not a bog deal to me, but maybe something you want to include in future updates as a fix.


    – Mike


    Hey Mike!

    I will look into the menu colour on iOS and the Twitter widget (which is an especially weird bug since it works fine on the demo site) – but I’m afraid that it’ll take some time since my initial searches did not return solutions to any of these.

    Regarding the Twitter widget, you may try using the Twitter Widget Pro or DP Twitter Widget instead ;) Sorry for any inconveniences!

    And thanks for the recent suggestion – the slider navigation indeed looks ugly in the landscape mode on smartphones. I’ve altered this behaviour to mimic the vertical mobile version – the update is available here.

    Once again, I am really grateful for all the comments, since they allow improving the theme for future and current users at large. I will be submitting a version update of Kabuki to ThemeForest today containing among other things your proposed mobile fixes.

    Should anything else pop up, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrew | Satori


    Hello Andrew,

    Question 1:
    How do you get the smaller, thinner footer on the homepage, the one where you put “2012 Satori Design . Proudly Powered by WordPress” I can only get the big footer to show.

    Question 2:
    On the contact form do you know how to change the input text color, the background is grey. and the input text color is also grey. On some computer screen it was hard to see.


    – Mike


    Hey Mike,

    to answer your questions:

    1. The copyright area under the footer comes from filling in the “Copyright text” field in the Theme Options panel, the “Page elements” tab.

    2. Agree, that looks bit pale. Will also change that in the next theme version. To adjust the colour, please go to “Appearance –> Editor” and add the following line at the bottom of the “style.css” file (should be opened by default):
    body input[type=”text”], body textarea { color: #444444 !important; }
    You can change the six-digit number to adjust the colour, according to the hex colour scale.

    Merry Christmas! :)

    Andrew | Satori

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