Short Code error

New Front EN Support Forums Tokyo Theme Support Short Code error

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  • #3751


    I am having some difficulty with one of the short codes and was hoping to get some instruction. The short code is the one you have listed here: under the markup elements. (breaks out colored boxes on the left side with About us, Team, Services, and Philosophy, with accompanying text and images.)…also used on the homepage sample.) First off, having trouble identifying which short code that is. Secondly, wondering how you link the source text and images to this short code to make it work,

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey Stevo,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    I’ve replied to your email yesterday, yet I will duplicate the message here as well so that the forum users can also benefit from the information:

    Hey Stevo,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    The vertical tabs you’ve mentioned are created using the same [TABS] shortcode, with “style” attribute set to “3” (i.e. “style=3”). I’ve attached the full shortcode from the demo here – it will create exactly identical tabs on a page where you paste it.

    Regarding your question about the blog layout in Tokyo – it has a sidebar by design, and there is no back-end option as of now to remove it. However, this can be achieved relatively easily with some custom CSS:

    .blog #content { width: 100%; }
    .blog #sidebar { display: none; }
    .blog #content .featured-thumbnail { width: 100%; }
    .blog #content .featured-thumbnail img { width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important; }

    You can insert the above code at the end of the theme’s “style.css” file (should open by default when you visit “Appearance -> Editor” admin menu) or into the child theme’s stylesheet, in case you are using a child theme (which I would recommend doing).

    Just in case, I should probably mention that there is a manual included with the theme, the file is called “Tokyo_Manual.pdf” and is found inside the “Tokyo_WP_Theme_Package” directory which is inside the main downloadable archive ( There is e.g. a list of all shortcodes with respective options in Appendix 2 of the manual.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Thanks Andrii!

    This is helpful, I’ve got it working now. I had one other short code issue with the List ([list style=”check”] List item [/list]).
    How can make these go across the width of the page in columns of three (like on your homepage sample) instead of stacking vertically? The formatting text-align: center & right only effects the text and not the icon.



    So it seems that I’ve figured out the columns but the formatting is off. The first row of 3 is one line higher that the other 2 columns. I have 3 columns each with 3 lines. In addition, the 3 columns are not centered, but left justified. Here is the code:

    [column size=”1-3″] [list style=arrow”]

    List item
    List item
    List item

    [/list] [/column]
    [column size=”1-3″] [list style=”arrow”] [list style=check”]

    List item
    List item
    List item

    [/list] [/column]
    [column size=”1-3″ last=”1″] [list style=arrow”]

    List item
    List item
    List item

    [/list] [/column]

    Any advice or help would be appreciated!


    Hey Steve,

    please try removing the line breaks between all the closing “[/column]” and the opening “[column]” tags – here is the full code from the theme demo. The LIST shortcode does not support center-aligning the text – you will need to use other methods of creating lists (for example icon fonts) or a third-party plugin to achieve that.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Thank you for the support Andrii, that worked well!


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