RTL Support

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    I’m interested in your theme for an Arabic site. Does your theme support RTL ?


    Hi JapanTown,

    Thank you for your interest in my items!
    At the moment Fuji and Origami do not have a specialized rtl.css file, yet one can easily switch to RTL mode by using plugins, e.g. http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/rtl-tester/. Please note however that there might be minor styling issues in the RTL mode since the themes were not fully tested in the RTL mode yet – I am planning to run a full test for one of the upcoming theme updates (it will be either 1.2 or 1.3 for Fuji).

    Localization can be carried out either by using the included .po file or by using the built-in quick localization module which allows for back-end string translation directly from the admin panel.

    If you have other questions or comments, do not hesitate to approach me!
    Best, Andrew.


    thanks for the reply.

    Is there a way to test the theme before I pay for it? RTL is important and I love the design as it complements the products the website will be providing.


    Dear JapanTown,

    I’ve duplicated the Fuji demo and enabled the RTL mode (using the plugin I’ve mentioned) here: https://satoristudio.net/test/fujirtl/
    The only issue I see right now is that the top menu submenu items shift over the edge of the submenu box; this can be corrected by adding a line of code to the style.css file, as I’ve done in the demo:
    .rtl #nav-primary ul ul a { text-align: right !important; }

    If you have any questions or comments, I’ll be happy to answer them!

    Andrew | Satori


    Hi Satori,

    I appreciate all the help. I checked the link you provided and I’m afraid the site is not RTL :(


    Dear JapanTown,

    Sorry for that, I forgot that the RTL Tester plugin only allows the admins to see the RTL version of the website. I’ve tweaked the plugin so that it shows the RTL version also to non-registered users. Should display correctly now.

    Andrew | Satori


    Thanks, its still not 100% RTL. At any case I decided to dive in and get the theme and do my best to converting it. But could you get me a screen shoot of what your seeing in case its different from what I’m seeing so I can have a good idea the amount of work I’ll need to do to convert the theme to RTL.


    Dear JapanTown,

    Here is the screenshot you requested: http://awesomescreenshot.com/08cgngd5f, i suspect it should closely match what you see.
    As I mentioned, this is just the result of turning on the RTL Tester plugin, which only converts the text – other aspects like margins and floats are still of the original layout as Fuji does not have a specialized rtl.css stylesheet yet (see http://codex.wordpress.org/Right-to-Left_Language_Support for more information). In case you decide to purchase the theme and go on with converting it into the RTL format, do not hesitate to contact me if you need help or advice!

    Andrew | Satori


    Well I bought the theme and decided to hire someone to convert it to RTL, after seeing the almost 2000 lines of code I just decided I’m too lazy to do it :)
    I’ll let you know what happens.

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