responsive buttons (smooth scrolling)

New Front EN Support Forums Kanso Theme Support responsive buttons (smooth scrolling)

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    Hi Andrii,

    For some reason, I can’t get a button to act responsively and show up when viewed from a mobile browser. Here is the site for reference – Notice the ‘Learn More’ button disappears once the browser width gets below a certain number of pxs.

    Do you have any idea why this might be? Is it associated with the menu, which changes to a more mobile friendly accordion format at around the same px level?

    Thanks so much for any insight you can provide,



    Hey Kjael,

    I’ve looked at the code, and the reason the button disappears is because it has been inserted as a menu item, and has a “#nav-primary” element id. I wouldn’t recommend this since that id is usually reserved for the primary menu in WordPress, and duplicate element ids on the same page are not a good idea either. Could you please tell me how you inserted the button, was it a third-party plugin? Have you tried inserting the button via the theme’s shortcodes?

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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