Quick localization

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    Hi, Andrew.

    Yet another question :-) I don’t seem to figure out how to use quick localization.
    “Go to LocalizationEdit, add a translatable line into the „Old” textarea, write the translation into the „New” textarea, and press „Save” – it is that easy! You can also use the localization functionality to alter the hard-coded strings in the same language.”
    So I just go to localisation page and, for example, I want to change “expand” on the expanding slider on the home page to “читать дальше”,I insert both in the old and new field, save, and nothing replaces, it just skips. There is another field “Domain”, where I’ve tried to put the name of my website, but no effect.
    Could you please, tell me what I do wrong.

    Thank you,



    Dear Ira,

    if you are using Sensei version 1.2, please try adding “satori” into the domain fields for each string. There might be some issues with localization as I’ve switched to a new, more efficient way of defining translatable strings in ver1.2, which might still be a bit raw at times. Do not hesitate to ask me whenever you stumble upon something strange ;)

    Andrew | Satori


    Dear Andrew, I’ve came up with a new list of questions.

    1) Image Gallery/ jcarousel
    I’ve tried to insert image gallery and jcarousel shortcode into the page. As the result they do appear, but images preview is broken, though if i click on a «broken preview square» , image itself appear.

    2) Icons. In the custom sidebar’s social icons field I’ve uploaded two custom icons. I’ve looked at the icons at Sensei Package, Sensei’s social icons are the size of 24×24 pxl, so I’ve uploaded and tried to insert the same size icons. But the problem is that in the customization field there are only three options (16 px, 32 and 64 I believe), so no metter what size I upload my icons end up to be bigger or smaller than yours, is there a way to make them the same size?

    3)Localization. Yep, I use 1,2 version. I’ve tried to put satori under the domain field, but still no luck, this is what i get «Added: 0; Deleted: 0; Skipped: 1, Updated: 1.»


    Dear Ira,

    Please accept my apologies for number 2, this is my mistake. In order to correct the issue, you’ll need to download this fix I’ve prepared, unzip it, and re-upload via ftp into the following folder: /wp-content/themes/Sensei/includes/social-media-widget/ replacing the existing file. I will also correct this in the upcoming new version release for Sensei, thanks for pointing it out!

    Regarding issues 1 and 3, I am afraid I cannot tell what is going wrong without looking at the code and the admin settings – please send me your admin login and password to support@satoristudio.net (no disclosure guaranteed), along with the URLs of the pages in question.

    Andrew | Satori

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