Portfolio Tagging

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    Hi! I’m trying to create 2 types of Portfolio pages… One for the Home Page and one for the actual Portfolio/Product page. I’ve created a Home page and a Portfolio page (both using the Portfolio style). I’ve tried to separate the Portfolio items by tagging them as either “Home” or “Portfolio”. Do you know a way I can accomplish this? Thanks in advance!


    Hey Rumbledesign,

    all pages of “Portfolio” layout in Ikebana are designed to display all portfolio items, thus only creating one more page would not help here; you can try using the portfolio tags as differentiators, and using the tag archive page URL for the second page; here’s an example tag page from the theme demo. By design, it can be reached by clicking on the “Services” icon menu item when not from the main portfolio page; you can use the direct URLs of such pages in menus etc to create links to “alternative” portfolio pages.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Since I’m not using the icon menu — How can I use the tag archive page URL?


    Hey Rumbledesign,

    the tag archive pages are generated automatically with each new portfolio tag you create (in “Portfolio -> Tags”). The icon menu is a separate entity with only draws on the information contained in the tags you create. So even if you do not use the icons, you can still use the tag pages, which you can view by going to the “Portfolio -> Tags” admin menu section and clicking on “View” below the selected tag.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    OK, that finally makes sense to me. What I’m finding now is that even though I tag certain project items differently — every type of tag gets displayed on the home page. How can I prevent that? I’m trying to keep them separate.


    Hey Rumbledesign,

    as I mentioned, the “Portfolio” page template always displays projects from all available tags – since it is not a taxonomy page by design, it does not discriminate between the projects of different tags. The only way to display only certain tagged items on one page is to use the tag archive pages. Alternatively, one would need to tweak the “page_portfolio.php” template or create a new page template on the basis of that to display only some tags; this can be done by altering the wp_query (line 65) in the way described in the WordPress manual.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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