Page title size, remove "see all" button

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  • #7243


    Is there any way to change the size of the page titles (to the left of the page), and remove the underlining?

    And how can I remove the “see all” button – it appears even if theres nothing left to see…

    (I’m using the one-page setup.)


    Hey Fredric,

    The title size is dictated by the title hierarchy (H1 … H6) which is why the sizes are fixed; the underline, in turn, is a part of the theme’s design – this is why those two parameters are not directly adjustable via the admin back-end settings. However, you can override the above by using a piece of custom CSS:

    .page-template-page_one-page .page-title h2 a { font-size: 30px !important; border-bottom: none !important; }

    You can insert it via a child theme or by using the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel.

    Regarding your second question – as far as I can see in the code, you are using the “Blog Posts” page template for the part of the one-page view which displays the news (this is the source page for that section), while its content is represented by a series of plain-text paragraphs. I’d advise switching the template for that page to “Page: Right Sidebar” or “Page: Full-Width”, which will serve your purpose just as well given your current setup, and will remove the “See All” button on the one-page view.

    In case you’re implying another website and not, please let me know :)

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Thanks! Worked perfectly.

    (I like the underlinin, it worked well as soon as the page title was smaller, so I kept it.)

    And yes, I’d left it on Blog Post…

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