Menu bar only on homepage

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  • #1446

    Hello there,

    I have a problem with this black menu bar. I can’t see it while clicking on recent posts, so in the blog part of my site. I have no idea why but I used Custom HTML to create my menu bar. Maybe that was wrong, have no idea.
    How can I help it?

    Thank you a lot,


    Hey Kuba,

    the primary menu in Sensei (black in the demo) is created using the native WordPress interface in “Appearance -> Menus” and then assigning the menu to the “Main Menu” location in the “Theme Locations” box on the same page. I am not sure I understood how you created the menu via custom HTML – could you please clarify a bit more and also provide a URL of your website if possible? Thanks!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Hey, Andrew

    Sure, that’s the link:
    I have just putted a code from the example website from Sensei’s theme page and copied this into Custom HTML.


    Hey Kuba,

    now I understand :)
    I’d strongly recommend using the WordPress native menu functionality with Sensei – you can set up a menu in the “Appearance -> Menus” admin section. In this case it will appear on all pages of the website, as intended. You can read more about the menus in Sensei on page 9 of the theme manual.

    Please let me know if you face any difficulties in creating the menu.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Thank you a lot for your help!

    As you can see, I added this menu in the place you provided, but how can I put more links into one position in my menu?
    Like I did it by putting a code for example in “About me -> Who am I?”. What’s more… is it possible not to publish these posts in the links in the menu as they are not in my blog but are normally seen?


    Hey Kuba,

    to create submenus, move the menu item slightly to the right with the mouse until it “sticks” in such position and save the menu. You can add one or more items as submenus like this.

    I am not sure I understood your second question, could you please clarify? Thanks!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    But where should I move this menu? In “menu” section or in “widgets” section?

    Of course I can. I mean… I want to publish my post and add it to my menu. So this post will be visible in the “Recent posts” section and I wouldn’t like it to be like that. I would like to see this link, this post in my menu, but only there.



    Dear Kuba,

    to create submenu items, please go to “Appearance -> Menus” admin section and move the needed menu item slightly to the right with the mouse until it “sticks” in such position and save the menu – please see this screenshot for illustration.

    Regarding your second question: creating a blog post that would not be visible on the blog page but will appear in the menu is not possible in WordPress; it seems like what you need instead is a page, not a post – in this way it will only be accessible via the menu if you put it there. You can create a page in the “Pages -> Add New” section of the admin interface.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Thank you a lot! Now everything is clear.


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