Main menu hover background color

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  • #2828

    Is there any way to target the ‘Main menu hover background color’ with css (by parent menu item id maybe?) so the background color can change for each main sub menu? : )
    I also have my logo image placed in a way that overlaps the hovering background bar just a bit and am wondering if it can be made to display behind rather than above the logo?


    Hey Credo,

    the submenus can be coloured in custom colors by using this CSS:

    #menu-item-XX a, #menu-item-XX .sub-menu .submenuline, #menu-item-XX .sub-menu li { background-color: #FFFFFF !important; }

    where “XX” is the id of the menu item (you can look it up by using e.g. Chrome’s built-in code inspector (right-click and choose “Inspect element” on any part of the web page), and #FFFFFF is the hex color of your choice.

    Regarding your second question: could you please provide the URL of the website in question, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer without seeing the code ;)

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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