Logo Problem

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  • #273

    I just purchased the theme and have it installed but I cannot get my logo to display. I went to theme options and uploaded it but it doesn’t show.

    Hopefully someone can advise..


    Hi Cab322003,

    First of all, thank you for the purchase!

    Please try removing and re-uploading the logo through the Theme Options panel, making sure that you’ve chosen “File URL” in the “Link URL” field of the upload window (right after you upload the image itself). If it still doesn’t work, we’ll proceed with troubleshooting the problem.

    Andrew | Satori


    Thanks, Andrew. That sorted it

    I’m new to WordPress so any problems I have are likely to be due to that rather than there being an error with your theme :)

    Is it possible to add a contact page with this theme?


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by cab322003.

    Hey Chris,

    glad it’s working now ;)

    It’s surely possible to add a contacts page, for example something like the theme demo: https://satoristudio.net/origami/contact-us-page. To have a Google map displayed in the header, you’ll need to add an address in the Theme Options panel, “Header” tab; then choose the “Contacts: right sidebar, Gmaps header” option from the “Template” dropdown list in the “Page Attributes” box while in the page edit mode. You can insert a custom contact form by clicking the little square brackets icon right above the text editor area, while in the page edit mode.

    Andrew | Satori


    Thanks, Andrew – that’s great. I’ve got the contact page sorted out now

    I’m sure I’ll have more questions – if you prefer I can keep them in this thread rather than creating new ones?

    Thanks again



    Dear Chris,

    sure, any time ;)
    Regarding the threads – it would be better if you created new ones in case of completely new issues – for forum usability sake, it more efficient if separate topics go into different threads so that new visitors have more chances of finding what they need among the previous threads.

    Andrew | Satori

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