Link to self from portfolio/background page

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Link to self from portfolio/background page

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  • #7081


    Thanks for developing this theme. It’s awesome!

    I have two issues:
    1. I’m using the portfolio as home page. In the portfolio I have three links to Pages in the same website. However clicking on them opens a new tab. I want them to target_self. Any suggestions?

    2. I would like to change the background colour of two pages, as my client uses different corporate colours for those services. How can I change those?

    Thanks for your support!


    Hey Koen,

    thank you for choosing Ikebana, and my sincere apologies for the delay in my reply!

    I will go over your questions in the same order:

    1). To achieve this, you can use the “Open link in the same tab” checkbox in the “Additional Settings” section, under the content area in the edit mode.
    2). There is no out-of-the-box setting for individual page backgrounds in Ikebana, yet you can achieve this effect by using some custom CSS, e.g.

    .page-id-XX #main-container { background-color: #cccccc; }

    replacing the “XX” with the ID of the page you need the new background for, and the “#ccc” with the hex representation of the desired color. You can insert the code either via a child theme or into the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel.

    Should you have other questions about the theme, do not hesitate to ask!

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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