Langauges + Site Title + Audio Post

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  • #1754

    thanks for the good work! I’m very impressed. I have been looking for a WP-Theme which combines assymetric graphical-blocks on the front page for a long time.And there it is!
    Before I ındluge on my site and the details of your theme, I have three questions
    1) Is it possible to put language buttons (“TR”, “EN”, “DE”) or (“Türkçe”, “English”, “Deutsch”) where the find area is or where the social media is? My site will be multilingual with browser language detection, but it is still necessary to have the language choice that point the the language homepage.
    2) I like your concept of logo very much: small logo on top left on the for all pages apart from the home page. Howeveri I have an awkward title: “Nedim Hazar – Film and Music Production Turkey”. And it should show up somewhere at least as a text. My question: Would it be possible to have 30 or 40 px place above the header area to insert this on all plages? Possibly on the right side of this block, I might be able to place the language buttons.?
    3) I see that you have special ıcons for text, images, video etc. Some of my posts will feature music. How do you embed audio in a post (as a feature)? Is there some kind of icon in your theme (like a note?)
    Thanks in advance for your replies.
    Best regards from Istanbul


    After having looked through the theme options, I obviously have to cancel the second question :)


    Hey Nedim,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase and my apologies for the delay in reply.

    Regarding your questions:

    1). Inserting a language switcher into the header is not envisaged by the theme’s admin backend, but it is possible via the code as a customization. You’ll need to insert your button’s code into the “header.php” file, replacing lines 95-101 which currently create the search form. If you want, I can help you insert the button code; for this I will need the code itself as well as access to your website’s admin (you can send the login and password, together with the website’s URL, to

    3). Audio post formats is a relatively recent feature of WordPress, and Ikebana does not currently offer them out-of-the-box. You can take a look at various third-party plugins which offer this functionality, e.g. this one.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    I just sent you an email with the login details for the site.


    Hey Nedim,

    I’ve inserted the language codes into “header.php”; also added a couple of lines of CSS to the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel for the looks.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Fabulous! Thanks a lot! Nedim

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