JCarousel Shortcode

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  • #1215

    Hi Andrew,

    I’m trying to get the jcarousel shortcode to work, but I can’t seem to get the images to display. I can see the carousel itself, but the images are not displaying in it so I’m probably not inserting those properly in their posts. I tried inserting in the wysiwyg as well as the featured image box, but no luck. Can you help?



    Dear Jimmy,

    It looks like the timthumb addon is not treated properly in this case. Could you please try the following: download this file from my repository, unzip it, and upload into the following folder inside your WordPress installation: /wp-content/plugins/shortcodes/lib/. Let me know if this helps!

    Andrew | Satori Studio


    Thanks Andrew,
    I’ve updated the file which was in a slightly different directory, but nothing changed. I’m still seeing missing images for thumbnails…


    Dear Jimmy,

    in this case the reason is most probably your hosting server’s settings which prevent the Timthumb module from displaying the images correctly (I’ve double checked on the theme demo and the carousel works fine, see this test page).

    Let us try one more thing: please download this file from my repository, unzip it, and upload into the same folder as before, re-writing the existing file. Then refresh the website, create a new page, attach several images to it, and try inserting the jCarousel shortcode anew. Then send me the URL of that page to support@satoristudio.net (as far as I remember you did not wish to disclose your website’s URL on the forum).

    Andrew | Satori Studio


    Hi Andrew,

    I just emailed that info to you. I updated the file, but it’s still not showing the thumbnails.
    Thank you.


    Dear Jimmy,

    I’ve reinstalled the shortcode plugin for you just in case, and then found the cause of the issue: the category part of the shortcode was incorrect, it spelled
    [jcarousel source=”cat=%cat_id%”
    instead of
    [jcarousel source=”cat=4″
    You can find this and more information on shortcode usage on page 15 of the theme manual. After correcting the code the shortcode works, yet you might need to re-upload some of the images involved so that the system gauges the right thumbnail for them.

    Should you have other questions or issues, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrew | Satori Studio


    Excellent, thanks so much Andrew! My last question is in regards to changing the width of the carousel. It currently displays at 305px wide and I’d like this to be closer to the width and centered to to the text on the page. Can you help with that?


    Hey Jimmy,

    I apologize for the delay in my reply!
    I’ve added a couple of lines of custom CSS into “style.css” (at the very bottom) to make the carousel wider and adaptable to various screen sizes. Let me know if this is what you needed!

    Andrew | Satori Studio


    Awesome, I really appreciate that and just in case anyone else wants to widen the carousel, here’s the code.

    /************* Custom Styles –Added by Andrew *******************/

    .su-jcarousel { max-width: none !important; width: 834px !important; }

    @media only screen and (max-width: 980px) and (min-width: 767px) {
    .su-jcarousel { width: 584px !important; } }

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 480px) {
    .su-jcarousel { display: block !important; } }

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    .su-jcarousel { display: block !important; } }


    Thanks Jimmy ;)


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