Issue with modal window when them activated

New Front EN Support Forums Shogun Theme Support Issue with modal window when them activated

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  • #6750

    I am having an issue with the satori theme and modal windows. When theme is activated (does not happen with other themes) the modal window (example: adding a background image to a post) grays out the entire page including the modal window.

    This renders the page and post unusable. ANy suggestions thoughts?



    Hey JP,

    could you please provide a live link to the website in question? If it is not available live yet, could you please tell me which version of the theme you are using? You can look up the theme version in the “style.css” file, found in the “Shogun” folder, i.e. the root theme folder. The .css file can be opened by any text editor such as Notepad, or a dedicated code editor, in case you have one installed. One of the first lines of the “style.css” file should read “Version: XX”.


    Andrii / Satori Studio

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