Isotope filter from outside page?

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Isotope filter from outside page?

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  • #6931

    Is it possible to use the isotope filter from an outside page? For example, when I am on the “about” page I would like to click on one the of filter links and have it load the isotope, with the page already filtered. Currently, it is only bringing me back to the un-filtered isotope page and I have to re-click to execute the filter.

    Any ideas?


    It seems to be working properly on the theme demo ( with the icon menu. Is there something I need to include with my custom filter menu?


    Hey Chelawonk,

    the theme will automatically substitute the icon menu filter triggers with links to respective portfolio tag pages once you move away form the portfolio page (e.g. if you click on the “Features” top menu item in the demo and then click on any of the icon menu items, it will not bring you to the front page, but to a tag archive page, which you can see by the URL). In order for this mechanism to work, please make sure that the “Filter” field in the icon menu items in the “Icon Menu” tab of the Theme Options panel contains the name of the portfolio tag (it’s not case-sensitive).

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    I am getting an “Error 404 – Not Found” message when I set up the icon menu with filters. The filtering works on the isotope portfolio page just fine, but, for example, http://…/tag-portfolio/illustration does not seem to exist. But there are projects tagged “illustration.”

    Any thoughts?

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