Images slider not working

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  • #223


    A . I have just purchased your theme but I can’t seem to figure out how to enable the header slider.
    1. I have checked Image slider from the header menu
    2. I’ve added a couple of slides (photo, caption, etc…) inside the header slider menu

    Is there anything I have to check / enable in order to see this working ?

    B. How do I enable the top sliding menu ?


    Hi Ich@web,

    First of all, thank you for the purchase!

    To answer your questions:
    A. To display the header slider, please make sure that the „Display custom header” checkbox is checked in the “Header” tab of the theme options panel. Please see Manual page 5 for related information. Also, note that the slider will appear on pages, not on individual posts. In case this does not solve the problem, please provide your website’s URL and admin login/password (sent them to so that I could troubleshoot.
    B. You can assign your own menus to one or both of there location in the top-left box of the “Appearance – Menus” section in the theme admin area.

    Should you have other questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrew | Satori



    Thank you for the response.
    There is another problem that I’ve spotted while trying to configure the theme : captions don’t display when selecting image slider although caption text is present.

    Many thanks for your response


    Hi Ich@web!

    To display captions, you’ll need to tick “Yes” for the “Captions” option in the “Header Slider” tab of the theme options panel. Please note that due to the limitations of the code the captions will not be displayed in the next option “Slides as links” is turned on.

    Andrew | Satori

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