image slider fixed width

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    So I’m trying to make the image slider a fixed width of 950px and it’s currently stretching those to the 1640 width. Can you tell me how to make those fixed and centered to the rest of the content? I figured out how to change the width, but then the alignment was not centering to the rest of the sites content.



    Hey Jimmy,

    the Tokyo theme image slider (demo here) automatically stretches the entire width of the screen and adjusts the height accordingly – there is no built-in fixed-width slider. There are two possible paths to take if you wish to have a custom-width slider: either install one of the third-party slider plugins that fits your criteria – or alter the code to make the slider fixed-width (the javascript is in the “header-functions.php” and “/includes/orbit-slider/jquery.orbit-1.2.3.js” files, and the css is in the “style.css”, “lessframework.css”, and “/includes/orbit-slider/orbit-1.2.3.css” files).

    Andrew / Satori Studio

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