icon menu – mobile viewports – ipad landscape

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  • #1787

    1) in ‘theme options’ > icon menu i have ticked ‘Show icons only on portfolio pages’ – which works on desktop – but on phone and tablets the icons DO still appear. anyway to make this checkbox apply to all devices?

    2) is there any way to make the ipad in landscape mode display the icons in the same way as on the desktop (there is room) – i.e. as small icons to the left of the portfolio boxes rather than as wide buttons that take up a lot of real estate? i appreciate the problem with mobile and ‘hover’ but i’ve only got 3 icons to filter the portfolio and they take up most of the screen with lots of dead space to the right. alternatively could they be displayed side by side somehow?
    [icon 1] [icon 2] [icon 3] ?

    many thanks


    Hey Tallhat,

    these are very sensible suggestions, thank you very much for pointing out the issues! I’ve fixed both of them, and will update the ThemeForest release soon; in the meantime, I can implement the changes on your website in case you can provide your login and password date (you can send it to support@satoristudio.net, no disclosure guaranteed).

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Hey Chris,

    I’ve implemented the changes discussed above on your website; please double-check just in case and let me know if everything is working as intended. Preparing the official theme update right now, thank you once more for the bug reports!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    that’s great – many thanks – one thought – is there ANY way to get the ipad view filter icons to fire on *first* click? currently first click brings up the label/title, but a second click is needed for the filter action (which isn’t intuitive/obvious)… :)


    This is exactly why I decided to switch to stretched icons with images AND text instead of the full-screen versions in the first place – while on a touch-enabled device, it is more difficult to have a logical and intuitive way to combine showing user the label and making the icons clickable. So far I can only think of one possible solution – disable icon labels on tablets and hope that the user understands the meaning of the icon button from its icon image. What do you think?

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    yes, tricky one. i think this is very similar to the general ‘dropdown menu’ dilemma we now have with touch devices – i.e. does the parent menu item take you somewhere on click (second click on touch device) or does it only exist to facilitate the dropdown? it’s a UI problem in general i guess.

    for the filter icons the ideal solution would be: desktop – hover shows labels, click does the filtering; touch device – first click shows label AND triggers the filtering. but i appreciate that might just be completely impossible.
    your ‘hide the labels’ on touch-devices is probably second best in my case – what would be needed to do that? a bit of CSS or something else too to avoid having 2 clicks?
    thanks andrew,


    Hey Chris,

    Tried to implement your first idea, please have a look!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    that’s fantastic! works brilliantly :) :) thanks again


    hello – oh dear. i’m very sorry but i hired a developer from tweaky as suggested to make some changes to the theme and they appear to have reverted some files, losing the icon single click fix you made. could you tell me what you did to achieve this? sorry again!


    Sure, here you go ;)

    Next time tell the developer to only alter the child theme files, this is the recommended way of customizing WordPress themes.

    Andrew / Satori Studio

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