I am lost


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  • #1632


    I feel like I am a Grandma :). I thought making a blog would be easier but nothing seems intuitive. I will probably have a few questions more questions than this but currently I am stuck at two things:

    1) How can I make that categories menu that goes underneath the header?

    2) I read something about there being 8 different layouts but I can’t find where those are? Is there some sort of instructions sheet I was supposed to read?

    Here is my blog so far: http://1000hoursoutside.com/
    I am kind of getting the hang of it but it has taken me hours to get to this point. :(



    Hey Virginia,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    I will answer your questions in the same order:

    1). If you are using the latest version of WordPress (3.6), you should check the “Main Menu Above Content” checkbox under the “Theme Locations” label in the “Menu Settings” area just under the menu constructor; in earlier versions of WordPress you’d need to choose your created menu from the “Main Menu Above Content” drop-down in the “Theme Locations” box, which is located in the top left corner of the “Appearance -> Menus” admin page. Information on the menus can also be found on page 8 of the theme manual.

    2). The layouts for a particular page can be chosen from the “Page Attributes” box on the right-hand-side of the page editor screen; locate the “Template” drop-down and choose the layout you need; do not forget to save your changes! More information on page layouts, together with screenshots, can be found on pages 3-4 of the theme manual.

    Please let me know if this helps!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Thanks so much for your help! I’m having trouble finding the theme manual. Where is that?


    Dear Virginia,

    the theme manual is located in the main downloadable folder, “Fuji_WP_Theme_Package”; the Adobe Acrobat .pdf file is called “Fuji_Manual”.

    Andrew / Satori Studio

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