How to get portfolio "gallery" items working

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    Hey Chris,

    let me clarify – only the images that are uploaded anew to a particular post are displayed in the gallery? If that is the case, then it’s the intended behaviour – you see, in WordPress only the images that are uploaded to the particular post become its attachments, otherwise (e.g. if you include them via a media gallery query) they do not become associated with the post; not sure why WordPress authors did it like this, yet it places certain limitations as to how I can render e.g. image gallery posts. Since the images for the gallery are sources from attachments (to this particular post), the gallery will only show the images that are being uploaded directly in that post; please note that it is not necessary to even insert them INTO the post – just uploading them in the post and saving changes should be sufficient. You can control which images are attached to which post in the “Media” admin menu.

    In case I misunderstood your question, please let me know!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    ok sure – that makes sense. one question – HOW do you control which images are attached to which post exactly? i seem to be able to attach an ‘unattached’ image to a post from a list, but once an image is attached how do you change it? or do you have to delete the image and add it again?
    it’s not a big deal – i can work around this now that i understand the functionality.

    it would be nice to be able to define images like this though! [gallery ids="929,927"]


    Yes, as far as I know there is no way to “unattach” the image from a post (you can attach new ones though, via the “Uploaded to” column in the “Media” admin menu). You can try using this third-party plugin for detaching images from posts.

    And yes, it would be so much easier to source the images from an inserted gallery, yet during theme development I haven’t found a way to tell the php code to look up the images from an inserted gallery.

    Andrew / Satori Studio

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