How to get portfolio "gallery" items working

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    This seems strange, I tried adding images to a portfolio item with the “add media” button but end up with it shown on the front page with either no images at all or totally wrong sizing and positioning and no gallery left or right buttons, it’s strange because it worked in the first version of the theme.

    But what seems stranger to me is if I check the sample content, namely the gallery post and image post items (I know they’re blog and not portfolio) they appear to have nothing at all in them (no images as would appear using the “add media” button but they work fine. Is there something I’m missing about creating these? (Though it seemed to work fine in the initial version)


    You can see it on my page, I got a gallery to work fine but when I made the portfolio box large it doesn’t size properly


    Hey Jdudeo!

    Indeed, it’s a problem within the theme’s code. I’ve created a fix and uploaded it into my repository. Please unzip the archive and upload the contained files into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Ikebana), replacing the existing files. Let me know if it works!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Thanks, uploading the files fixed how the gallery displays once you click on it, but on the portfolio page the gallery portfolio items appear to be sized bigger than the size of the box and the left and right arrow controls are not visible at all anymore


    also would it be possible to have an ability to make some portfolio items unclickable? Like if I wanted the gallery to show on the portfolio page but not have it lead to another page that shows just the gallery? so essentially it only exists on the portfolio page?


    Hey Jdudeo,

    the gallery problem hasn’t been reported before and I cannot seem to re-create the bug on my installation – the large-size gallery posts work fine on the demo. Could you please provide access to your back-end so that I could troubleshoot the problem? I will need to ask you for the admin login/password as well as ftp URL/login/password (if possible) – you can send them to; no disclosure guaranteed.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Ok I’ve sent you my details


    Hey Jdudeo,

    I’ve updated the Ikebana code on your installation, now it is displaying the galleries as intended (please check the website – you might need to clean your browser’s cache); your request helped me to find and fix a bug in the functions file, thank you for pointing this out!

    P.S. I really recommend making the background image smaller (downscaling) or optimizing its quality in order to make the filesize less than 1 MB (ideally, less than 500 Kb) – the background takes very long time to load, taking into account that my Internet connection is not slow – this may alienate the future visitors of your website. You can try opening the website in Chrome’s “incognito mode” to get a feeling of what I mean.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Excellent thanks

    Thanks for the heads up about the background, when opening it from a fresh browser here it only seems to take about 3 seconds to load but I guess in Japan the connections are particularly fast. I’ll see if I can make it smaller without having to sacrifice any quality.


    hi, sorry to jump in on this thread – but i have a similar looking issue here. what bug did you find andrew? — basically i can only create galleries by uploading images from my local machine – if i try and add images that already existing in the media library, or try adding a ‘gallery’ or images via the media library they don’t show up – it ‘sticks’ with the images i originally uploaded! i can’t find a way to remove them!

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