Home button

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  • #2676

    Hi there,

    first of all, I am a beginner at working with WP themes, I am also half Japanese and half German and I really love your themes. I have been struggling, among other things, with the home button. I am sure, I made a mistake somewhere along the way and would appreciate your help. Find the website here http://hotel-und-location-scout.de.
    For some reason I cannot get to display the “home” page, although I set it up a “home” page in pages. I numbered the menu components in the attribute section with Home (5), Leistungen (4), Anfrage (3), etc. Also I would like to use the revolution slider for the “home” page and really have no clue how to do it. Importing the Kanso sample is not working as wordpress keeps telling me that the file cannot be found or is damaged.

    I am looking forward to hear from you and thanks much in advance!


    Hey Yuko,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    I will cover the questions in the same order:

    1). Due to WordPress mechanics, Kanso’s one-page template is based on the following principle: a specific page serves as a “container” for the other pages with make up the one-page sections, just like with the classic WP blog page. At the moment I can guess that you are trying to use the same page as the “container” and as the first section inside that container. Please try this:
    – create a new page and call it “Home”, give it any template except “One-Page”.
    – tick the page in the “Pages to include into one-page website” setting “One-Page Website” tab of the theme options panel.
    – set the page order of the page to the lowest value to bring it on top of other one-page sections.

    2). In order to import the demo Revolution Slider, please use the green “Import Slider” button in the “Revolution Slider” admin section. You need to choose the “Kanso_demo_frontslider.zip” file found in the “Resources” folder of the theme package as the source when prompted. After that, you’ll need to appoint the slider in the “Revolution Slider” tab of the theme options panel.

    Please let me know if the above information is helpful in resolving the issues; if something is still left unsolved, we’ll troubleshoot further ;)

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrii,

    thank you much for your detailed response. Unfortunately, I cannot get it to work. In the meantime, nothing seems to work at all anymore. I cannot even get it back to the status that I had before when I contacted you for the first time. I even reset the theme to default to start all over.
    For some reason I have to start with high numbers to low numbers in order to have the menu to go from left to the right as I desire.
    Here is what I do:
    1) Create page
    2) Call it “Leistungen” (not the home page)
    3) Under attributes I leave the given parent (In German it says main page)
    4) Template to “One-page”
    5) Order (I put “4” so that Leistungen can be right next to Home which I have to start with the highest number so it can be located to the far left.
    6) I enter some Lorem ipsum content

    I do this accordingly with all the other pages. Am I doing something wrong? For some reason now the content of created pages is not even showing anymore on the website. I really don’t know what is going on. So now neither “Home” nor other menu ages are working anymore.

    Also I tried to import the front slider and again it didn’t work with a pop up saying: Fatal error: Class ‘ZipArchive’ not found in /kunden/422122_65189/webseiten/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/revslider_slider.class.php on line 606.

    I really need to finsih this page up and now everything seems to be falling apart a little, although I am not doing anything differently.

    Thank you much,


    Ok, I worked it through again and I am really confused:
    I can only see the changes I made when I follow this link: http://hotel-und-location-scout.de/?page_id=32&preview=true&preview_id=32&preview_nonce=d3416c719a

    When I use the regular URL http://hotel-und-location-scout.de nothing is showing up which means it’s not really there, right? Now the Home button is working but the last menu point AGB is not. Something is always missing, I don’t get it.

    Thank you!


    Hey Yuko,

    I will cover the issues in the same order:

    1). As I mentioned earlier, the “One-page” template should only be used for the “container” page, i.e. once per website. All other pages that will comprise the sections of the single page layout should have any other template declared.

    2). Please try downloading this file and use it as the source when importing the slider.

    3). If you cannot see the changes you’re making, it is most probable that you’re using a caching plugin, e.g. WP Super Cache or similar. If you are, please clear the cache and deactivate it until you finish developing; if there are no third-party plugins installed on your WP instance, please let me know, I will look further.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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