Fuji slider is not adequately responsive?

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    Hi, I’m interested in buying your Fuji theme, but I’ve noticed a strange behaviour in the image slider. I was testing the responsiveness of your theme simply by making my browser window smaller (Chrome on a Windows PC). At some point, the slider container (black background) stops resizing itself, and only the inner slide image keeps doing it. So you have this huge black container sticking out to the right and requiring horizontal scroll.

    I took the time to test the same on my Nexus 7 tablet using Chrome as the browser, and the results are similar, with one caveat: if I load the page with the tablet in horizontal position and then rotate it into vertical position, the slider image gets smaller, but if I load the page in vertical position and then I rotate it into horizontal position, it won’t get bigger in order to fit the rest of the theme.

    Am I missing something here? Anyway, just so you can see it for yourself, this is a screenshot from my Nexus 7 in vertical position (i.e. narrow screen width) : http://imgur.com/IG5mR

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Jonathan,

    thank you for expressing interest in my work, as well as for pointing out this issue!

    The reason why the image slider was buggy on browser resize is because I did not want to fix the slider image height so as not to limit the customization opportunities. My reasoning was that people do not resize browsers that often. However, taking into account tablet devices, I think your argument is very valid, which is why I’ve decided to fix the image height and thus get rid of the bug you’ve described. Please see theme demo ;) I will include the fix in the next theme update, yet in the meanwhile, if you decide to purchase the theme and will need the fix as soon as possible, please let me know and I will provide instructions.

    Should you have more questions, do not hesitate to ask!

    And – merry Christmas!

    Andrew | Satori


    Hi Andrew,

    First of all, thanks for your prompt reply and season’s greetings for you too.

    I’ve been testing your Fuji theme demo again using my Nexus 7 tablet, and I can report the following:

    When the page is originally loaded with the tablet in vertical orientation (i.e. narrow screen width), the slider is correctly scaled down to fit the page’s width. However, upon rotating the tablet to horizontal orientation, the image slider container (white background) scales up to fit the wider page, but the slider images don’t scale up and instead remain in their smaller width.

    On the other hand, when the page is originally loaded with the tablet in horizontal orientation (i.e. wider screen), the slider is correctly showed taking the page’s width. Upon rotating the tablet to vertical orientation, the slider images scale down correctly but a black background appears overflowing the screen to the right.

    I’m not sure if I’m clear enough, but I feel fairly certain there’s still some issue with the responsiveness of the slider. Let me know if you need screenshots, I’ll be more than happy to send some to you.



    Hey Jonathan!

    I apologize for a delay in my reply, my hosting company apparently had an incident with one of the servers and all my websites (including this forum) were down for several days. The issue you mention is exactly what I fixed before I wrote my previous reply, but once the hosting provider put my websites back online, I’ve also noticed that the slider is back to its previous state, i.e. resizes incorrectly – which I suspect is because the hosting provider had used the backup version of their data. In any case, I’ve updated the theme demo again, please check it out :)

    Andrew | Satori

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