Few beginner questions.

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    I am new to Web Design and have recently purchased your theme since I like your Pinterest theme layout very much, I have a few really simple questions to get me start going.

    1) Might I ask how do I display the media or post in a tile format like from your demo site (https://satoristudio.net/themedemo/?theme=ikebana). Everytime I create a new post, it just display vertically.
    2) In addition, how do i get the tile shuffle like the way you do when click on the icon menu.
    3) What exactly is Portfolio page?

    Seems really simple question but I am kinda lost as I can’t find any documentation for your theme.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thanks so much in advance


    Hello Clement, thanks for choosing Ikebana! I’ll go over the questions in the same order below:

    1. In order to show a tiled layout, please use a page with a “Portfolio” template as the “shell” for the layout and posts of the “Project” type as the individual tiles – you can find more info on this in the “Portfolio” section of the theme manual, pages 4-7.

    2. For setting up a menu that filters the grid by specific tags, please see the “Menus” section of the manual, pages 3-4.

    3. Please see item 1 in this list ;)

    When you download the “Ikebana_WP_Theme_Package.zip” archive from Themeforest, you’ll see the “Ikebana_Manual.pdf” document inside – that’s the theme documentation I’m referring to above.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrii,

    Thanks for the reply, I have now got the basic set up, I notice on your demo site that the tile would have a shuffle as well as shrink and enlarge action, might I know how that was set up?



    The side menu (icons on the left) can act as an interactive filter in Ikebana – you can find a detailed guide on how to set this up in the Menu (pages 3-4) and Portfolio (pages 4-6) sections of the theme’s manual.

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