Another feature request (sorry!): it would be great if it was possible to make sub-menu points toggle. As of now, if you have quite a few sub-menu points, then the mobile menu becomes really long.
I’ve prepared the beta code, please download this archive, unzip it, and upload the resulting file into the main theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Shogun/). Let me know if it works as intended!
Only thing is that now it doesn’t work to have the parent menu point working as a link as well – but I guess that would have been the case no matter what. You can’t have everything! :-)
Also, I hope these requests/questions are not only a help to me, but also to the further development of the theme.
I can’t think of any way to combine the possibility to click on the parent menu items with the new expanding mobile menu – do you have any ideas how we could do that?
Nah, not really. And it’s fine anyway – I’ll just add an ‘all’ page at the very top of the sub-menu.
By the way. If you choose to add this feature to the next version of Shogun, then perhaps consider adding a small arrow or a + that shows that the menu point can be unfolded. I think perhaps that would be helpful.