Demo importing fail

New Front EN Support Forums Tokyo Theme Support Demo importing fail

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  • #2762

    Hey, I have imported the standard content layout from the demo and the website isn’t working well using the wordpress importer.

    Here is the link


    Hey Mk1990,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    At the moment I can see no errors or glitches on the page you’ve linked to, it displays the blog of your website as it should. In WordPress, the theme data does not affect general website settings, e.g. which page serves as a front page. In order to have a static front page, please change the settings in the “Settings -> Reading” admin area (for more information on this, see also theme manual, page 4). In case I’ve missed something or if you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    How I do I replicate demo?

    Also is there a quick and easy way to change this theme into a light skinned theme rather than dark?


    Hey Mk1990,

    as I mentioned earlier, in order to have a static front page, please change the settings in the “Settings -> Reading” admin area (for more information on this, see also theme manual, page 4). To set up the menu, please visit “Appearance -> Menu” admin area, as per usual in WP; in order to upload the logo and tweak the website elements, please use the Theme Options panel. In case you have troubles replicating specific parts or features, please do not hesitate to ask!

    Every element’s color in Tokyo can be changed via the Theme Options panel (the “Style: Header”, “Style: Content, Widgets”, and “Style: Footer” tabs); I do not provide skins with my templates since every user wants their own unique combination of colours – I’ve decided it is better to give everyone the freedom to style the theme to their particular taste :)

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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