Customize Page not loading

New Front EN Support Forums Origami Theme Support Customize Page not loading

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  • #7010

    Just purchased the theme. When I click on “Appearance -> Customize” the admin page will not load. Just get a blank page with a spinning circle in the middle and says “Customize Loading…” at the top. I am using WordPress 4.3.1 and the current version of Origami.


    Hey Cubster63,

    first of all, thank you for using Origami!

    I’ve checked the case and it’s indeed a bug; it stems from a compatibility issue between one of the included plugins and the newer version of the WP Customizer. I’ve added a fix to the theme and submitted an update to ThemeForest – it should be available for download within 24-48 hours, as soon as they review the upload. The new theme version is 1.3, and it contains this fix, together with a couple of other minor fixes. If you don’t want to wait until then – here’s the new version of the theme’s functions.php with the Customizer bug fix (link); download the archive, unzip it, and upload the resulting php file into the theme directory in your WP instance (/wp-content/themes/Origami/).

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    This time the Envato review team has been extra quick :) the 1.3 version is already available for download from the “Downloads” tab of your ThemeForest account.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    That you for the quick reply. It is working now.

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