contact form width?

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    I’m using the latest version of the Haiku theme and attempting to configure the Contact page to be full-width. When I choose full-width from the template menu in the page editor the result is that the form is squashed against the left margin of the page at a width of ~157px. If I change the template to the default (right sidebar), it behaves just fine.

    Please take a look at and let me know what I’m doing incorrectly or what I can change to achieve a standard form in the full-width template.


    Hey Dylandigits,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    I am not sure I understood how exactly the contact form behaves on full-width pages (at the moment the page in question has a right-sidebar layout), yet I can tell that in Haiku the contact forms and other input fields are stretched to 100% of the page width by design, i.e. on a full-width page, one should expect them to stretch from one side of the inner content to the other.

    If you wish to have a thinner contact form on a full-width page, you can change its behaviour by adding a line of CSS code to the textarea in the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel:
    input[type=”text”], textarea { width: 60% !important; }
    you can alter the “60%” to any figure you need. Do not forget to press the “Save All Changes” button in the end!

    Please let me know if the code does what you need.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Thanks for the prompt reply Andrew. I tried what you suggested with the custom css without any luck. To be sure I’ve illustrated what the problem is, I took a screenshot:

    See what I mean? The form is way off to one side. This is with the full-width template, mind you. I was messing about with it last night so you might have caught it when I had temporarily left it on the right-sidebar template. I’m not sure what’s preventing it from going 100%; I’m not even sure what’s making it render at that narrow width. Any ideas?

    Thanks again,


    Ah, I see :) sorry for mis-interpretation!

    Please download this updated stylesheet from my repository, unzip it, and upload the file into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Haiku). Let me know if the fix works!

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Thanks, that fixed it! Much appreciated.


    Glad to hear!

    Should you have other questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrew / Satori Studio

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