Changing Font Color for Overlay Only

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Changing Font Color for Overlay Only

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  • #6766

    Great options for the font management. I have noticed that changing the color of the body font, also changes the color of the mosaic overlay text. I’ve tried some custom css but not having any luck. Is there a way to just change the overlay text color…or obviously the other option would be to change the page body text font color. :)

    Your help is really appreciated. Thank you!


    Hey Trish,

    to change the tile overlay text color, please try adding this CSS code to the “Style: Add Custom CSS” section of the Theme Options panel:

    .iso-masonry .image-post-overlay { color: #cccccc; }

    replacing the “#cccccc” with the hex notation of the color you need.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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