Changing colors of the "Scroll back to top" arrow

New Front EN Support Forums Origami Theme Support Changing colors of the "Scroll back to top" arrow

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    … how can I do it? I tried mostly all the template color options… and nothing happened (aside some scary combinations of pink, purple and brown as result of my tests :-)


    Hi Raissuli!

    The “scroll to top” button is an image, thus it can be changed as an image only – you can upload a new one in the “Scroll to top button” field in the bottom of the “Page Elements” tab of the Theme Options panel. I know, it’s tedious, but it’d be very difficult to organize the button customization in another way; although, when you’ve brought up this issue, I may have an idea how to make it react to colours, yet it will take some time; in the meanwhile, if you need a button with particular colour and transparency, you can tell me and I’ll make a custom blueprint image for you.

    Andrew | Satori


    Thanks, but it’s not necessary at the moment. I’ll try to change it myself and, if I find any difficulties, I’ll call you for some help ;-)


    Alright! :)

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