Change Sidebar width

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  • #1872

    Hi, How can I change sidebar width and still keep its responsible feature? Is there any simple way to accomplish that except the hacky custom CSS in the theme option.



    Hey Chao,

    there is no back-end setting for changing the sidebar width, for the sake of preserving the theme’s visual identity; if, however, you wish to decrease the width of the sidebar, you can add this code to the “Style: Add Custom CSS” tab of the Theme Options panel:
    #sidebar { width: 35% !important; }
    replacing the “35” with the figure you need.

    Please note that this works only for values below 35%, as for everything above 35% additional changes in the CSS would be needed. The latter, however, should not be very problematic for a freelancer who is familiar with WordPress and CSS.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Cool, that is clear enough.

    Another thing I’d like to know is this error:

    cannot call methods on isotope prior to initialization; attempted to call method ‘reLayout’ in isotope.min.js

    This error makes the image-post-overlay of the appended post (from endless scrolling) stop rendering or something. Before that, it was fine. Now, it doesn’t and I can’t change or do anything.

    Could you please take a quick look of why it does like that? I did modify the header.php, don’t know if it has something with this bug.

    FYI, I tested in chrome and firefox.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by chao.

    One more thing,

    How can I change the posts page to get excerpt only?

    For example, this page I set the Blog page template as Front Page, then set the Posts Page in the reading setting of wordpress to this Blog page.

    The page gets displayed, however with full content (although I have ticked the summary text only). In order for me to make it display part of the text, I have to put in the post content which is annoying sometimes.

    Is there another way to fix it?


    Hey there,

    I apologize for the delay in my reply!

    Can’t seem to find the isotope error message you mentioned above – does it appear on the front page? When you mention that “before that it was fine” – which even in particular do you have in mind?

    Regarding the post content – there is a special tag in WordPress which can abstract the post at any given position; you can add this “more” link through the WYSIWYG controls in the post editor mode (in the visual mode, it’s called “Insert More Tag”, and in the HTML mode, it is the “more” button). You can read more about the “more” tag on the official WordPress website here.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrew,

    I have solved other problems and changed several things, therefore the error isn’t there anymore.

    However, there is only one remaining problem. The appended posts don’t show the image-post-overlay when being hovered.

    You can see the problem right here.

    View post on

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by chao.

    Hey Chao,

    You need to use a “live()” handler for current and attached elements, otherwise online elements initially loaded into the DOM will fire the events such as “hover()”. I’ve modified the code on your website to match the rule.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for your help. However, live() is deprecated and is replaced by on().

    Could you point me to where you modified the code so I can fix it again?

    Also, on this page (, the appended image posts aren’t included class=”fancybox”. This causes whenever I click on an appended post, it doesn’t show up with lightbox. Instead, it directs to another page with image.

    Is it the same problem with the live() funciton?


    p/s: nevermind, I have found where you put the code into: head_function(). Now for the fancybox. Couldn’t find anywhere :(

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by chao.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by chao.

    Hey Bao,

    thanks, you’re right, the “on()” method would be a much better solution here.

    Regarding the fancybox overlays: for the record the code for the fancybox is contained in the /includes/fancybox/ folder; what needed to be done is to insert the same function that is generated by the fancybox files as a callback for the Isotope’s “appended” method (see last instance of .isotope in the “header-functions.php” file).

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    All right, I saw that. Thanks a lot :)

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