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Change Pagination to Endless Scrolling

New Front EN Support Forums Ikebana Theme Support Change Pagination to Endless Scrolling

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  • #1777

    Also, can I stop the element #portfolio-header from displaying on the next page? This is considered a sticky post in portfolio page (


    Hey Chao,

    I can open the projects that are appended by the infinite scroll on my machine. Which browser (and version) are you using?

    Regarding your second question – as I said the infinite scroll has certain limitations when applied to themes, including the fact that it uses the second and all other pages from the paginated version to append new items, which means that whatever element appears on all pages, it will be rendered with every scroll (including sticky posts and portfolio tag headers). I will look at a possible way to circumvent this (adding a separate template file for paginated pages), but it may take some time.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Hi there,

    Chrome is fine, I can click and play around with it. However, Firefox and IE have the same problem I believe. I can’t click the appended projects on these browsers.


    Also, another problem emerges which is the Edit This button and the Comment section.

    They disappear in portfolio posts. Turn out, they are left behind the contain div and stuff. Could you please take a look at them?


    Hey Bao,

    again, I must say that I’ve tested the website in Chrome, FIrefox, Mozilla, Opera, and Safari, and the project items that are appended by the Infinite Scroll are perfectly clickable. Could you please clarify or name any particular project that is not clickable? Thanks!

    The edit link and comment issue was rooted in the fact that I’ve forgotten to switch off the Isotope code for single project items; fixed that one.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrew,

    I really don’t understand the problem though. I’m using Firefox 24 (with Hardware Acceleration option checked) and I get something similar to the screenshot I link here:

    View post on

    The link isn’t displayed and the overlay gets washed out. Although, they are still there.

    The strange thing is when I test it with Firefox 15, it works fine :D.


    P/S: The edit link and comment issue are perfectly solved, thank you.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by chao.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by chao.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by chao.

    Hey Bao,

    Could you please tell me your screen width in pixels? I will test further.

    Please note also that in case there are numerous larger boxes and not enough smaller boxes, the masonry layout may have empty spaces left in it since it is mathematically impossible to fit everything into a tight layout; are you sure the items in question are still on their place and simply do not show up? Can you get to the relevant project item page by clicking the empty space?

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    My screen res is 1920×1080. I tested both in Firefox 24 and Chrome. Chrome is fine.

    Just to clarify, there aren’t any empty space at all.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by chao.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by chao.

    Hey Bao,

    I’ve been troubleshooting the issue for some time now and still cannot determine the root of the problem; most probably it is a jQuery issue, or it may be connected more specifically with the way Firefox 24 handles the code of the Isotope plugin. In any case, I will keep looking into the problem, yet since the infinite scroll was already a customization to the theme which is not covered by the theme support guarantee, this bug will not be on top of my support priority list, so may take some time; in the meanwhile it could be worth turning to developers for additional man-hour assistance, e.g. on Fiverr or Tweaky.

    Andrew / Satori Studio


    It’s ok. At time, only me got this problem and it doesn’t bug me though. Others are fine and happy because they can use it. That’s the most important. Thank you

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