Captions doesn't show in the image slider

New Front EN Support Forums Sensei Theme Support Captions doesn't show in the image slider

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  • #564

    Hi, I’m really thrilled about the look and feel that Sensei offer. However. I’ve got at problem in getting captions on my image slider on the landing page. Known problem? Where do I go wrong? The URL of the site is and it’s under construction. Kind regards, Fredrik


    Hey Fredrik,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    As noted in the Theme Options panel description for the “Slides as links” option, the captions only display if the slides are not set as links. This is something that stemmed from the slider architecture and which, I must admit, I just took as given at the time I developed the theme.

    However, I do agree that it’s a lame limitation, thus after a couple of hours of “detective work” I found the way to incorporate both the captions and the slide links. I’ve sent the fix to the email you indicated when registering on this forum. Please unzip it and upload into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Sensei/), replacing the existing file. Let me know if it works and my apologies for the bug!

    Andrew | Satori


    Hi Andrew!

    Thank you for all your help. The theme just runs beautiful now and both me and my client are super happy.

    Kind regards,


    Great to hear! :)

    Do not hesitate to contact me should anything else pops up.

    Andrew | Satori

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