Blog posts page question

New Front EN Support Forums Fuji Theme Support Blog posts page question

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    Tried to figure out how to get blog posts onto a *particular* page. Finally did it like this:
    On front page (while logged in), from admin menu upper left, next to WP icon, chose drop-down for my site, chose “Customization”>”Static front page”> set radio button to “Front page displays “A static page”” and then when new options pop up, choose which page to use for front and which page to use for posts.

    Is this the correct way to do it? I ask because I’m having problems with my headers and I wanted to make sure the approach I am taking for this part isn’t broken to start with. Header question under a separate post.


    Hi Suz!

    First of all, thank you for the purchase!

    The method you are describing looks correct, yet in the latest version of WordPress the titles are slightly different: the frontpage and blog posts page settings are found in the admin menu, under “Settings -> Reading”. Could you please specify which version of WordPress you are using?

    Andrew | Satori


    Ah, thank you. Looks like two ways to skin a cat are available. I’m using 3.4.2. And headers are all fixed now, thanks to brilliant suggestion on the other post.


    Good! :) Don’t hesitate to approach me should anything else pops up!

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