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  • #648

    I have been looking at your elegant themes and I must say the Fuji theme is so far my choice number 1 for purchasing. The theme seems to do everything I want it to do. Nonetheless, I haven’t found any indication about an “Archives” feature. Is this available in Fuji. If so, what is the criteria of classification (dates, categories, tags…)
    Thanks a lot and keep on the good work,


    Hey Foodnotes,

    thank you for expressing interest in my work!

    The category, tag, date, and author archives have separate template files in Fuji, which all resemble a blog page showing several posts satisfying the given archive criteria, and a category/tag/author description above the posts. Please see examples from the demo:
    Category archives: (the middle menu items are all category archives like this one)
    Tag archives: (can be found by clicking on tag cloud items)
    Date archives:
    Author archives:

    In case I misunderstood the question and you wanted something else, please provide a screenshot or a URL with an example :)

    Andrew | Satori


    Hi Andrew,
    Thanks a lot for the prompt answer. I understood while navigating that you can access the archives through the tags and the categories. Nonetheless, this option is not so intuitive for the date and the author.

    For example, in the URL you have sent me for “date archives” I can see all the posts written during the month of february 2012 in your demo (monthly archives). Now, if I am in the main blog page and I click in the date of any post, I would be sent to the “daily archives”, meaning just the ones written in the date I click. How do I get from the main blog page to this “monthly archives” feature?

    My idea is that it would be nice to specifically have a tab for the archives feature. I’ve seen this in many themes and i think it makes the navigation so much easier than only tag clouds.
    Here is an example:
    There is a menu “Archives” just next to home and also an option “Archives” on the right organized by date (as well as a tag cloud a little bit under that)

    I am really in love with the elegant design of your themes. I hope I am expressing my doubts in a clear way so I can proceed to buy Fuji. Let me know if this option or something similar is available.

    Thanks a lot and happy new year!


    Dear Foodnotes,

    I think I got the point now, here are some possibilities in Fuji:
    – There is a native monthly archives sidebar widget in WordPress, which you can of course use with Fuji; I’ve activated it in the demo so that you could check out how it looks (e.g. on this page).
    – Fuji does not currently contain a specialized page listing all post in an archive fashion, like in the demo you sent me (, yet now that you’ve mentioned it, I will include this as a planned feature for the next update (which will be version 2.1) – for that a big thanks! In the meanwhile, what I can do is to create a “quick substitute” for you in case you decide to use Fuji in your work: I can create a template file from this tutorial for you (there is a screenshot of how it would look like in the section titled “Archives”.

    Hope I was relevant enough! :)

    Andrew | Satori


    Dear Andrew,

    I just have one word before I go to bed (right now in Europe): Perfect. Great way to close the day.
    Now I know Fuji has EXACTLY all the features I want. A big thanks.

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