Additional code required

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    Morning Andrii,

    a feature I am desperately missing in the portfolio theme is another way to sort the portfolio items on the portfolio page.

    What would it cost me for you to write me a code that allows me to sort the portfolio items numerically. For example if I want to use a specific item as the first, another as the second, another as the third (etc.), I would give these items a specific number. If I want to change the order in which the items appear on the portfolio page all I would have to do is change the item number.

    Does that make sense?

    Always the best!



    Hey Reiner!

    The items in portfolio gris are sorted based on their creation date, i.e. by changing the “Published on” date in the “Publish” box for a particular project (in the editor mode) you can change the order in which they appear on the page. However, if you specifically need a numeric system whereby a new meta field could be assigned to hold the information about the order of the items in a numeric format, please let me know, I will provide you with a quote.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Thanks Andrii, that is exactly what I need. Happy to pay for your time and work.

    Best regards,


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