Add tags to Projects

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    Is it possible to add tagging to projects in the Shogun theme?


    Hey JP,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    Portfolio project tags in Shogun are called “types”, and can be managed from the “Portfolio -> Types” admin section. They can be used to create portfolio filters (please see an example in the “Recent Works” section of the front page of the theme demo), and appear in the tile overlays on hover in case the portfolio has a masonry layout (see same section as above).

    There is no ready-made backend option to add a list of associated types to a single project page, yet I’ve prepared a customized solution for you – please download this archive, unzip it, and upload the resulting file into the following folder inside your WordPress installation: /wp-content/themes/Shogun/, replacing the existing file. After you refresh the website, each single project will display a list of associated types at the bottom.

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Hi Andrii-
    Thanks for the quick response.
    I am looking for the ability to create another layer of categorization to the projects like posts. Posts have the following: category and tags while projects only have types.

    Example for Projects:

    Type would be photography
    Tags would be: black and white, landscape, nature

    Is this possible?


    Hey JP,

    I’m awfully sorry for replying only now, a notification about this thread must have slipped through my inbox.

    The theme does not imply a possibility to have two taxonomies for the “project” post type out of the box, which means you will need to perform some customization to achieve this. Since this is not covered by the ThemeForest support offer, you will need to use a help of a professional developer (e.g. on Envato Market) in case you are not familiar with php yourself.

    There are at least two ways to get a second taxonomy to work with the “project” post type:

    1). The cleanest, but also the longest one: register a new taxonomy using the “register_taxonomy” function and then add an association with the “project” post type either by adding a “taxonomies” parameter in the “register_post_type” arguments on lines 471-483 of the theme’s “functions.php” file, or by using a separate “register_taxonomy_for_object_type” function.

    2). Extend the default “tag” taxonomy so that it can also be used with projects in addition to posts, either by adding a “taxonomies” parameter in the “register_post_type” arguments on lines 471-483 of the theme’s “functions.php” file, or by using a separate “register_taxonomy_for_object_type” function.

    Andrii / Satori Studio

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