Activate masonry view on homepage

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    Hello, I am trying to activate “masonry view” on the homepage but I cannot find how to do it. :/

    I have added projects under the portfolio section but I cannot activate them somehow. My homepage displays only the regular wp posts that I have done.

    Can you please help?


    Hey Dkalo,

    first of all, thank you for the purchase!

    In order to display the portfolio on the home page, you will need to create a separate page and give it the “Portfolio” template, as described in the “Portfolio” section of the theme manual; next, you need to visit the “Settings -> Reading” admin section and in the “Front page displays” option choose a “Static page” alternative; after that, find your portfolio page from the drop-down next to the “Front page” setting, and press “Save changes”.

    Should you have other questions, do not hesitate to contact me!

    Andrii / Satori Studio


    Many thanks Andrii, this was very helpful.

    I am facing a weird problem and I have one question. First, the problem:

    When I am in my site’s homepage ( and I scroll up, a post (quote) is reappearing and makes my homepage looks like that: while it should look like that: Any idea on how could this be fixed?

    And here’s the question:

    How can I make portfolio pages that will show only portfolio items that have a specific tag?

    Many thanks in advance,


    Hey Dimitris,

    the top-left element gets replicated on scroll because it is a sticky element, and probably your setting for the maximum number of portfolio items per page (“Portfolio items per page” option on the “Portfolio Page” tab of the Theme Options panel) is higher or equal to the total number of portfolio items that exist on the website. Please try setting this limit to a smaller number, the additional items loaded with scroll should still contain the sticky one each time, yet it will look much nicer :) As noted on page 12 of the theme manual, the infinite scroll is still an experimental feature which was added only in version 2.0 following several requests from the users; that same part of the manual lists the current particularities and limitations of the Infinite Scroll feature.

    Regarding your second question: the pages containing portfolio items that have a particular tag are generated automatically within the theme, based on the “taxonomy-tagportfolio.php” template file; their URLs are of the form: Here’s the example from the demo: If you need to include such a page into the top menu, you can use such URLs and add custom menu items with direct links to tag archives.

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