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Hey Mike,
After your comment I re-visited the mobile version of the slider navigation/caption block and arrived at (I think) a more consistent and usable mobile version of the theme (please see the demo). In case you want to implement this, please download the new lessframework.css, unzip it, and upload into the theme folder (/wp-content/themes/Kabuki/).
Regarding your question on the drop-down menus – I need to investigate this issue deeper, since I own an Android device and it renders the menus as they are supposed to be – i.e. black (see e.g. this screenshot from my smartphone). Could you please tell me which iPhone model you are using?
I must admit that the Twitter widget has been a pain for awhile – ever since Twitter changed its API and the old way of grabbing data stopped working. Nevertheless, some time ago I seem to have fixed the widget, and it is working quite well on all of my preview websites, e.g. on Kabuki blog page. To find the possible reason for the misbehavior of the plugin on your website, please tell me if you are using any third-party plugins with theme. In the meantime, you can use e.g. the Twitter widget provided by WordPress’ Jetpack plugin.
Andrew | Satori