Deprecated: ¡La función get_currentuserinfo ha quedado obsoleta desde la versión 4.5.0! Usa wp_get_current_user() en su lugar. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5383

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Hey Mike!

I will look into the menu colour on iOS and the Twitter widget (which is an especially weird bug since it works fine on the demo site) – but I’m afraid that it’ll take some time since my initial searches did not return solutions to any of these.

Regarding the Twitter widget, you may try using the Twitter Widget Pro or DP Twitter Widget instead ;) Sorry for any inconveniences!

And thanks for the recent suggestion – the slider navigation indeed looks ugly in the landscape mode on smartphones. I’ve altered this behaviour to mimic the vertical mobile version – the update is available here.

Once again, I am really grateful for all the comments, since they allow improving the theme for future and current users at large. I will be submitting a version update of Kabuki to ThemeForest today containing among other things your proposed mobile fixes.

Should anything else pop up, do not hesitate to contact me!

Andrew | Satori